Amazon has released a Super Bowl ad for Tom Clancy’s legendary character Jack Ryan to television for the first time—Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan will premiere on August 31. In anticipation of the premiere, Prime Video will air its first-ever Super Bowl ad featuring the series
John Krasinski, Abbie Cornish, Ali Suliman, Emmanuelle Lussier Martinez, Wendell Pierce, Dina Shihabi, Karim Zein, Nadia Affolter, Arpy Ayvazian, Adam Bennett, Amir El-Masry, Goran Kostic Eileen Li, Mena Massoud, Victoria Sanchez, Marie-Josee Croze, John Hoogenakker, Shadi Jahno, Zarif Kabier, Kevin Kent, Brittany Drisdelle
Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan follows an up-and-coming CIA analyst thrust into a dangerous field assignment for the first time. The series follows Ryan as he uncovers a pattern in terrorist communication that launches him into the center of a dangerous gambit with a new breed of terrorism that threatens destruction on a global scale.
Super Bowl TV Spot: