Fortnite V3.3 Update Brings NEW Weapon and more improvements!

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  5. Fortnite V3.3 Update Brings NEW Weapon and more improvements!
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Epic Games have released patch notes for the latest update to the hugely successful Fortnite!

Fortnite Battle Royale is a FREE 100 Player PvP mode where players are dropped onto an island and must survive using a variety of weapons and through collecting materials. You can play by yourself or with friends in a duo or squad. The last player or team standing wins!

(Battle Royale is a part of the main Fortnite game (the main mode is called Save The World). This ‘Save the World’ mode is still in development and early access to it can be purchased. However, Battle Royale mode can be downloaded and played for free)

The main new addition in this latest update is the availability of ‘remote explosives’ in Battle Royale mode. Here is a new trailer:

Also added to the game is the new Supply Llama! This provides players with a new way to find valuable loot in Battle Royale mode!

Fortnite / Epic Games

Save the World mode is also getting a new questline:

Luck of the Storm Questline (Save the World)
Uncover treacherous treasures, track mythical creatures, and brave springtime shenanigans in ‘Luck of the Storm’!

Fortnite / Epic Games

From the 19th March, 2018 there will be a new limited time mode available in Battle Royale, called Blitz:

  • Limited Time Mode: Blitz
    *NOTE: This mode will be enabled on 3/19.

    • Blitz has much shorter storm times resulting in faster & more intense matches!
      • Maximum match length is 15 minutes.
    • The match will start with the storm circle already closing in over the island.
    • Adjustments to loot availability:
      • Increased chances of treasure chests spawning from 50-70% to 80-90%.
      • Increased chances of ammo boxes spawning from 65-80% to 85-95%.
      • Floor Loot spawns nearly 100% of the time.
      • Supply Drop spawn interval lessened from 180s (+/- 30s) to 80s (+/- 20s).
      • Supply Drop descent time shortened from 60s to 30s.
      • Launchpad spawn likelihood greatly increased.
    • Harvesting resources doubled.
    • Resources found in loot increased from 30 to 100.
    • Treasure chest health increased from 200 to 500.
    • Ammo box health increased from 120 to 250.

There are a lot more bug fixes and small improvements which have been made to both Fortnite Battle Royale and Save the World. A full list can be found on Epic Games official website.

Fortnite / Epic Games

Sources: Epic Games Official Website , Fortnite Official Twitter

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