Sabrina The Teenage Witch and Riverdale Crossover only on Yarn!

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  7. Sabrina The Teenage Witch and Riverdale Crossover only on Yarn!
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Already suffering from “Riverdale” withdrawal? Aching to get your Archie Comics fix? You’re in luck! Stay connected with Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica and the rest of the Riverdale gang  with ‘Something Wicked in Riverdale’ the latest series available on Yarn (iOS, Android), Mammoth Media’s innovative micro-storytelling platform!

Something Wicked in Riverdale is the Sabrina The Teenage Witch and Riverdale crossover fans have been begging for, and you won’t want to miss all of the drama — especially the new romance between Sabrina and Jughead…

So what are you waiting for?! Season two kicked off last week, but all episodes (total of 20) are available to binge through on Yarn now, with a new story being released every day through June 2.

Something Wicked in Riverdale: Season 2

Everything in Riverdale & Greendale has ‘returned to normal’…sort of. Jughead & Sabrina have made their relationship official. The rest of the Riverdale gang has agreed to keep her magical identity a secret – opening the door for chill hangouts at band rehearsals & Pop’s, and even double dates with Archie & Veronica.

But not everyone is happy with this arrangement. Betty Cooper, Harvey Kinkle & the Witch Council each have a separate bone to pick with the new couple.

By the season’s end, everyone’s loves & loyalties will be called into question as the Witch Council takes Sabrina to task for exposing ancient secrets to an entire clique of mortal teenagers.

Why Yarn?

Yarn is quickly becoming the new establishment for reading – stories delivered through short-form text messages and video – so we are seeing more and more studios gravitate toward extending theatrical and/or episodic series through Yarn so that their fans can have extended / expanded experiences with their favorite characters in new ways.

In partnership with Archie Comics, Yarn Stories contain exclusive, original content and include characters crossing over into each other’s universe – like Sabrina and Riverdale. How not to like and jump into this new storytelling experience?

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