The constantly evolving monster that is “A Robot Named Fight!” is back and at a BIG discount. Now until July 25th, ARNF is only $1.99 on both the Nintendo Switch and Steam store! This price includes the base game, plus all updates that have launched since its release, including the new patch that released today.
Only a month after the massive “Big Wet Update!,” ARNF introduces a brand-new 4-player co-op mode – where one player plays as Fight and up to 3 more players can join in as orbs, helping Fight to beat back the meat. This new update also sports new bug fixes, room revisals, balance changes, and more.
A Robot Named Fight! is a metroidvania roguelike focused on exploration and item collection. It’s developed solely by one guy, Matt Bitner. The game is a love letter to retro classics such as Super Metroid, Contra, and Mega Man, but also draws inspiration from modern indie classics such as The Binding of Isaac.
In A Robot Named Fight! you will explore a different, procedurally-generated, labyrinth every time you play. You’ll discover randomized power ups that allow you to traverse obstacles and discover new areas beneath the surface of a meat infested robot city. As you delve deeper you’ll discover a rich narrative conveyed through gameplay and environmental hints. Be careful though, death is forever in this roguelike metroidvania.
You will also explode a whole lot of meat beasts with your blaster arm.
Over 4 billion unique runs
Roguelike Permadeath
New item order and intended route every playthrough
115+ items
100+ unique enemies
Achievements that unlock new content
Local Co-Op
Deathmatch Mode
Seeded Runs
An unreasonable amount of meat!