VFX Reel For The Mandalorian

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Image source - Pexels.com

Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) has released a Behind-The-Scenes look at how some of the visual effects (VFX) were created, using UNREAL ENGINE in VIRTUAL PRODUCTION, for some of the shots in Disney+’s The Mandalorian. Some of the effects were able to be processed in as little as 24 hours, normally, VFX processes can take weeks, if not months! You can see how environments were added in the background, instead of traveling thousands of miles between Iceland location to the desert location without actually traveling. The soundstage where the majority of filming took place, was build at 20 feet high, with a 270 degree sort of dome LED video wall, with a 75 foot diameter

VFX Reel:

The Mandalorian poster (Disney+)
poster (Disney+)

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