The highly anticipated animated series, Sonic Prime premieres globally December 15 on Netflix. As a gift to fans familiar or new to the iconic blue blur, Netflix will debut the first 40 minute episode of the new series in the popular Sonic Speed Simulator developed by GameFam available only on Roblox starting tomorrow, Saturday, December 10 at 7 AM PT/ 10 AM ET and ending at 5 PM on Friday, December 16.
The Sonic Prime virtual world premiere is truly an event not to be missed and will feature screenings of the first episode every 45 minutes and treat fans to an immersive experience where they will be able to win free UGC Giveaways, participate in a game of tag in the New Yoke City TAG Arena, and more – only on the Sonic Simulator on ROBLOX!
Voice Cast:
Deven Mack, Brian Drummond, Ashleigh Ball, Shannon Chan-Kent, Adam Nurada, Ian Harlin
The action-packed adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog go into overdrive when a run-in with Dr. Eggman results in a literal universe-shattering event. Desperate to piece his prime reality back together and save his old friends, Sonic races through the Shatterverse, discovering strange worlds and enlisting new friends in an epic adventure of a lifetime!