Gotham 4.12 Preview: “Pieces Of A Broken Mirror” – Fox Network

Fox network has released a preview for the upcoming episode 12 of season 4 Gotham. The episode title “Pieces of a Broken Mirror” will see the return of fans favorite character Jerome/Not Joker played by a very convincing Cameron Monaghan(Shameless). The series has gone for a winter hiatus since episode 11 aired December 7th 2017. […]
Looking Glass Official Trailer – Momentum Pictures

Momentum Pictures has released an official trailer for its upcoming psychological thriller, Looking Glass. The film is directed by Tim Hunter(Mad Men, Hannibal, Underground). Written by Jerry Rapp(Gutshot Straight) and Mathew Wilder( Your Name Here), Looking Glass star Nicholas Cage(Ghost Rider, Face/Off), Robin Tunney(The Mentalist), Marc Blucas(Underground), Ernie Lively(The West Wing), Bill Bolender(Bosch) and Jacque […]
NBC’s Taken: Hammurabi Episode

NBC has released stills, two new clips and a synopsis from TONIGHT’s episode of Taken, titled “Hammurabi.” Cast: Clive Slandern, Jennifer Beals, Adam Goldberg, Jessica Camacho Synopsis: A laid-off worker kidnaps a high-powered accountant in revenge for his lost pension, and the team gets swept up in a case of class warfare when Bryan (Clive […]
New Samson Clips Released By Pure Flix

Pure Flix has released clips from it’s upcoming Samson movie! Cast: Jackson Rathbone, Billy Zane, Taylor James, Rutger Hauer, Caitlin Leahy, Lindsay Wagner, Frances Sholto-Douglas, Greg Kriek, Ares Afonso, Sven Ruygrok, James Ryan, Lily Spangenberg, Chad Phillips, Joe Vaz, Synopsis: A Hebrew with an unusual gift of strength must respond properly to the call of […]