If You’re A Guitar Player, You Need THIS!

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  7. If You’re A Guitar Player, You Need THIS!
Image source - Pexels.com

If you’re a guitar player, Jamstack is something you’re definitely going to want to get! Jamstiack is the world’s first attachable guitar amplifier!


The JamStack is about 7″ long and 2.5 inches wide x 3 inches deep.

Battery Life:

The rechargeable battery will get you 8 solid hours of play time.

iOS and Android Compatible:

There are great compatible apps available for both platforms such as Deplike, ToneStack, Tonebridge, AmpKit, GarageBand and many more. Phones with lightning ports, micro USB and USB-C all work with the Jamstack (using the appropriate cable included). You might have difficulty with some apps using phones older than 5 years.

Rock Tone:


Blues Tone:


Attaches In Seconds:


You can pre-order Jamstack HERE with pre-orders shipping in June!

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