Activision and Sledgehammer Games have released Call of Duty: WWII – The War Machine DLC Pack, the second DLC to be released!
Starting TODAY, April 17th, you can take part in the Blitzkrieg Community Event!
The enemy is knocking on the door, so Command has issued new Orders: gather your squad, hit the frontlines, and earn some extra rewards for your effort. Captain Butcher is back to help, and he has six brand new weapons to use in the firefights of Ground War, a new, bigger 9-on-9 game mode. The fighting has even reached HQ – available now, the HQ is a free playable map for Prop Hunt and Gun Game modes. Don’t miss it: The Blitzkrieg Event is available until Tuesday, May 8.
Captain Butcher is back to help, and he has six brand new weapons to use in the firefights of Ground War, a new limited-time 9-on-9 game mode. The fighting has even reached HQ – starting April 17, the HQ is a free playable map for Prop Hunt, Gun Game, and Free-For-All modes. The Blitzkrieg Event is available until Tuesday, May 8.
Ground War
The Ground War multiplayer game mode is the biggest battle available in Call of Duty: WWII. With 9-on-9 matches across Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Domination and War, the stakes are bigger, and there is more danger around every corner. Ground War is available now, and visit to learn how to earn 2XP for playing it.
You’ll find modes like Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Kill Confirmed in Ground War throughout Blitzkrieg, so keep an eye on the Featured Tab in the Public Match lobby and get ready to make new friends!
Play Party Games in HQ
Are you a Prop Hunt player? Do you run the gamut in Gun Game? If so, you’ll want to hear this: the HQ is now a free playable map for Party Games in Call of Duty: WWII. Gather your squad and test your skills in Prop Hunt, Gun Game, and Free-For-All on this new playable map. The HQ map is a free permanent addition to Call of Duty: WWII, so enjoy!
Six New Weapons
Captain Butcher made sure to bring the firepower to push back the Axis army. Starting on April 17, you can earn the Type 5, ITRA Burst, and M2 Carbine rifles, the Type 38 Sniper, the Sterling SMG, and the Baseball Bat melee weapon. Reload your arsenal with these six new weapons and experiment with them alongside the recently overhauled Divisions.
Community Challenge
The Blitzkrieg Community Challenge features new Orders from Major Howard, Contracts from Captain Butcher, as well as brand new Nazi Zombies Orders and Contracts. Knock ’em out and you’ll unlock free rewards such as a helmet, a weapon charm, and even an exclusive “Rosie II” Grease Gun variant.
Starting on April 20, you will need to band together with your fellow players to push towards an epic goal – completing 75 million Orders and Contracts collectively in Multiplayer! But fear not, because you’ll gain rewards at each step along the way. Work your way up through the tiers with the rest of your Allies, and push towards the goal!
2XP Opportunities
The Blitzkrieg Event will offer 2XP playlists every week Multiplayer and at different intervals in Nazi Zombies. Check out the Blitzkrieg page for the full schedule of when and where you can get Double Soldier, Weapon and Divisions XP, and mark your calendar accordingly.
Starting today, players can join the war effort to combat the large-scale escalation of Axis power as Call of Duty®: WWII – The War Machine is available now, first on PlayStation®4. Packed with new multiplayer content, The War Machine DLC offering is the second expansion pack for Call of Duty: WWII, the No. 1 top-selling console video game of 2017 in North America. With today’s release, players can further the battle as they globetrot across Egypt, France, Germany, and Sicily on three new Multiplayer maps, take on an all-new War Mode multiplayer mission, and survive the undead in the newest Nazi Zombies saga chapter, The Shadowed Throne.
Egypt – Call of Duty: WWII heads to North Africa for the first time in this all-new Multiplayer map. Fight in and around the ancient pyramids at Giza, and battle for an interior temple flanked by tight tunnels adorned with ancient calligraphy. Every playstyle can succeed in this varied and dynamic new map.
Dunkirk – Face off on the beach and boardwalk of the French seaside city of Dunkirk. This map features a large, open and dangerous beach area flanked by tight building interiors. Sniping can be effective here, though aggressive running and gunning can also pay off, making every engagement unique in this historic battleground.
V-2 – This small, fast-paced map set in a rocket development and test site located in rural Germany features a launch tower in the center that provides a focal point and an opportunity to grab an elevated sightline on unsuspecting opponents. Explosive action is guaranteed here, in more ways than one.
Operation Husky – Join the Allies in the invasion of Sicily, one of the major blows against the Axis War Machine. Under the cover of darkness, gather and transmit intel on sensitive enemy ports and then – for the first time in Call of Duty: WWII Multiplayer – take to the skies in a fighter plane to protect bomber squadrons on their way to destroy the targets.
The War Machine DLC pack also features the co-operative Nazi Zombies saga update, The Shadowed Throne. Following Doktor Straub’s trail after narrowly escaping the zombie-infested island, the crew travels to a destroyed Berlin, Germany. Doktor Straub’s monstrous army is hellbent on purging his city of the Allied invaders. Players will join Marie, Drostan, Olivia, and Jefferson on their descent into madness in a city warped with terror, blood and war, as Nazi Zombies step out from the shadows of history.

Dunkirk: Players face off on the sands and beachfront boardwalk of the French sea-side city of Dunkirk. This map features a lage, open and dangerous beach area flanked by tight interiors through the buildings lining the beach-front. Sniping can be effective here, though aggressive running and gunning can also pay off, so keep sharp and watch your angles and surroundings to win the day.

Egypt: For the first time in Call of Duty: WWII, we’re bringing players to the battlefields of Northern Africa and the Egyptia pyramids. Players fight in and around the ancient ruins at Giza with landmarks that you’re sure to recognize. The map features an interior temple in the center that heats up during intense Domination matches with more open exterior lanes to either side. There’s something for everyone, as all ranges and playstyles have a place to call home here.

Operation Husky
Operation Husky, whose namesake referred to the Allied invasion of Sicily, is centered on an Allied action to etrieve intelligence on the locations of sensitive German targets in the ports of Palermo and Naples. In this exciting new War mode offering, players will gather intel, transmit it to HQ, and then take to the skies to clear the area of enemy fighter planes in order to make way for Allied bombers.

V2: Welcome to V2 – a rocket development and test site located in rural Germany. V2 is a tight, ultra-fast paced map that neve lets up for a moment. The launch tower sits at the map center, providing a focal point and an opportunity to grab an elevated sightline on unsuspecting opponents. Short-to mid-range engagements are dominant here, with fast and furious gameplay throughout – don’t blink!

The Shadowed Throne
The Shadowed Throne brings our heroes into the heart of Nazi Germany to confront a desperate and evil regie. Berlin is burning, and Doktor Straub’s monstrous army is hellbent on purging his city of the Allied invaders. Join Marie, Drostan, Olivia, and Jefferson on their descent into madness in a city warped with terror, blood, and war, as Nazi Zombies steps out from the shadows of history.

Call Of Duty: WWII The War Machine DLC Pack 2 will hit PlayStation 4 TODAY!
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