Fortnite V3.6 Update Patch Notes Released – NEW Weapons revealed!

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  5. Fortnite V3.6 Update Patch Notes Released – NEW Weapons revealed!
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Epic games have released the V3.6 update for Fortnite!

Fortnite Battle Royale is a FREE 100 Player PvP mode where players are dropped onto an island and must survive using a variety of weapons and through collecting materials. You can play by yourself or with friends in a duo or squad. The last player or team standing wins!

(Battle Royale is a part of the main Fortnite game (the main mode is called Save The World). This ‘Save the World’ mode is still in development and early access to it can be purchased. However, Battle Royale mode can be downloaded and played for free)

Firstly, a new grenade has been added to both Save the World and Battle Royale. It is called the CLINGER:

Clinger / Fortnite / Epic Games
Clinger / Fortnite / Epic Games

Clinger (Battle Royale + Save the World)
Stick it to your enemies and score the Victory Royale. Find this new grenade in Floor Loot, Supply Drops, Supply Llamas, and Treasure Chests.

Save the World has also received a new weapon known as the Noble Launcher:

Charge-up this launcher and leave monsters in shock! Increase the charge for a more intense attack.

Noble Launcher (Save the World)
Noble Launcher / Fortnite / Epic Games

Here are the patch notes for BATTLE ROYALE:

Weapons + Items

  • Clinger added.
    • Stats:
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Location: Floor Loot, Supply Drops, Supply Llamas, Treasure Chests
      • Explosion Delay (once attached to target): 2.5 seconds
      • Player Damage: 100
      • Structure Damage: 200
      • Radius: 1 Tile
      • Max Stack Size: 10
      • Pickup Stack Size: 3
    • Stick this grenade to an enemy and wait for it to explode after a short duration!
      • Cannot explode in the air.
    • Will cling to any surface or player hit.
    • Will detonate early if a structure it is attached to is destroyed.
  • Reduced chances of finding Remote Explosives in Treasure Chests by ~40%.
  • Minigun adjustments:
    • Increased accuracy by 10%.
    • Decreased recoil by 10%.
    • Increased damage from 16/17 (Epic/Legendary) to 18/19.
  • Greatly improved hit registration of long range Sniper Rifle and Crossbow projectiles.
  • Port-a-Fort improvements:
    • Port-a-Fort tires no longer grant falling damage immunity after players bounce off them.
    • Port-a-Fort trajectory preview now indicates if it will build with stilts and a ramp.
    • Port-a-Fort trajectory now turns red if aimed too high.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a collision issue with the Port-a-Fort tires that allowed downed players to hide in them.
  • Fixed an issue where Submachine Guns intermittently failed to reload.
  • Fixed an issue where Cozy Campfire healed for one more second than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where red hitmarkers wouldn’t show when the Rocket Launcher dealt damage.
  • The red light on Remote Explosives can no longer be seen through doors.
  • Fixed an issue causing consumables from Loot Llamas and Supply Drops to exceed the maximum stack size in a player’s inventory.


  • Short fences will no longer block you from building structures.
  • First shot accuracy is now reset when you crouch, uncrouch, or switch weapons.
  • Players now spawn closer to their squadmates on the starting island.
  • Moved the groups of spawn points on the starting island to be closer to one another.
  • Supply Drop balloon health has been adjusted based on playlist:
    • Solo: 500
    • Duo: 750
    • Squad: 1250
  • Supply Drops now spawn twice as high and fall twice as fast.

Bug Fixes

  • Builder Pro
    • Fixed an issue where primary fire could be interrupted when releasing aim down sights.
    • Fixed an issue where sprinting could stop if you switched to build mode and attempted to quickly build a ramp.
    • Fixed an issue causing player’s weapons to automatically fire after placing a structure and switching to the weapon.
  • Fixed multiple issues with Supply Drops:
    • Balloon collision no longer remains after the crate is opened.
    • Supply Drops no longer get stuck on structures, trees, or in the air.
    • Fixed Port-a-Fort tires floating in the air when Port-a-Fort is thrown at a Supply Drop.
  • Players no longer take falling damage when landing on top of tires.
  • Fixed an issue that caused doors to recoil after quickly spamming the interact input when approaching the door.
  • Fixed an issue that switched the wrong building piece to edit mode when attempting to edit a different piece.


  • Self-Service Cosmetic Returns featured has been added.
    • Will allow you to return up to 3 cosmetic purchases for V-Bucks (lifetime).
    • What can be returned?
      • Emotes
      • Gliders
      • Harvesting Tools
      • Back Bling
      • Outfits
    • What cannot be returned?
      • Battle Pass
      • Battle Pass Tiers
      • Starter Pack
      • Founder’s Pack
      • Founder’s Pack Upgrades
      • Loot Llamas (Save the World)
      • Event and Weekly Items (Save the World)

Bug Fixes

  • The Shadowplay Highlights button is visible on the victory screen again.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Shadowplay Highlights button to function on the Lobby tab after switching to another tab.
  • Fixed an issue that removed the “Remove Marker” icon from the map.
  • Fixed an issue causing teammates map icons to render under the Battle Bus on the map.
  • Fixed an issue preventing certain inputs from closing the Squad Comms wheel.


  • Improved the sound for multiple Supply Drops spawning together, indicating how many spawned and where they spawned from.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the Supply Drop opening sound not being audible from a distance.
  • Fixed an issue causing chest audio to not play in some cases.
  • Sound effects for metal doors now play when closing the doors.

Art + Animation

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing parts of Raven’s clothing to stretch across the screen in the Locker.
  • Fixed an issue with the Bitemark pickaxe that prevented the biting physics from working properly.


  • Improved hitching that occurs on player elimination (more improvements coming in v4.0).
  • Resolved hitching that occurred when rendering foliage.
  • Reduced hitches on Mac by including precompiled shaders so they no longer need to compile in-game.


  • Added an option to enable a Fire button (right side of screen), which can be enabled via the setting ‘Use Tap to Fire’.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed interactions where players failed to revive teammates and open chests.
  • Fixed an issue where resources being gathered were displayed in the wrong location.
  • Fixed an issue in which characters would occasionally move when the map was opened.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented friendly structures from being edited.

Save the World Patch Notes can be found on Epic Games official site mentioned below.

Source: Epic Games

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