Season 4 of “Drawn & Recorded” – the animated series / collaboration between Gunpowder & Sky, Oscar and Grammy-winning producer T Bone Burnett, acclaimed animator Drew Christie and music television producer Bill Flanagan (“Storytellers”, “Crossroads”) – is back with a fresh new episode airing TONIGHT, May 11th at its new home on AT&T AUDIENCE Network at 10 p.m. PT/ET.
“Drawn & Recorded” tells the stories that fell through the floorboards of music history and brings them to the light of day via unique, hand-drawn animation and the raspy, baritone voice of Burnett.
Each week, five stories will be rolled into one 30-minute episode and unpack modern myths from music legends such as David Bowie, The Beatles, Grimes and more!
D&R_EP_07_BOWIE_TRAILER from Drew Christie on Vimeo.
Parchman Farm: Sometimes a little time on a prison farm can forge you some of the strangest connections – Bukka White and Elvis Presley would know.
Bowie’s Brother: If anyone knows about loss, it’s David Bowie.
Magic Alex: The Beatles certainly got a taste of the “magic” provided by Magic Alex, but it’s probably not quite what they were looking for.
Grimes on the Mississippi: Grimes takes an adventure down the Mississippi River, inspired by none other than Huckleberry Finn.
Sister Rosetta’s Wedding: Sister Rosetta set a standard not only for rock ‘n’ roll, but also for the future of extravagant halftime shows