How smart are you? GAMeSPORT gaming studio is proud to present IQ Pro for Android and iOS

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After 6 months of hard work, GAMeSPORT gaming studio is proud to present IQ Pro, two IQ tests launched on mobile, in order to measure one’s logical thinking. It has been calibrated on more than 2000 people and will give the best analysis possible, based on Raven’s Progressive Matrices.

Answer the 40 questions in the allocated time, without any help or any exterior disruptions to get your result. You’ll then be able to share it with your friends and to compare it with them as well as with your favorite celebrities.

It was created alongside a psychologist specialized in intelligence quotient tests.

40 Questions

Within the given time, without any exterior help or disturbances to obtain your results. If you wish to, you’ll be able to share them with your friends and compare your results to theirs, as well as with your favorite celebrities’ whose IQ has also been evaluated. The app, developed with the help of a psychologist specialized in Intelligence Quotient tests, is free and has been available on Android and iOS since July 1st 2018.

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IQ Pro is GAMeSPORT’s first app, a Parisian studio who’s planning on launching 3 new games by 2018.

A video game development studio

GAMeSPORT’s purpose is to create a new gaming age by developing augmented reality games.

What is important: strategy, multiplayer, and, above all, players’ expectations.

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