USA Networks Suits Season 8 kicked off this past Wednesday night, introducing Katherine Heigl’s Samantha Wheeler character, who is the Mike to Robert Zane’s Harvey Specter. After the nuptials of Mike and Rachel (who also got married in real life, you might have heard about it, MAYBE!), the couple decide to take on a new challenge and move out West, Alex Williams (Dule Hill) looks to fill Mike’s shoes as Harvey’s right-hand man. Specter & Litt have to merge with Zane’s, causing a war between Zane and Harvey as to who will be the managing partner. Both agree to stay out of the way of their point person in trying to solve a problem that might cause a conflict of interest with the merger. Wheeler tries to strike first, but finds out Alex has already met with the client she was to convince to sell off part of the company that would be a conflict for the merger. He tells her that he’s already met with Alex and wouldn’t need to hear what she has to say. She convinces him to hear her out, convincing him it would be in his best interest to go against what Alex told him, lying about where she went to school and her struggle, to get her way. Harvey being Harvey, he fails miserably at taking a back seat to Alex. Donna has a say in who ends up winning, due to her new found interest in “bugging” offices and conference rooms and being very well informed as to what’s going on.
Making a hard decision doesn’t show weakness, it shows strength. This is the Suits moment of the week. Presented by @Lexus.
— Suits (@Suits_USA) July 19, 2018
The changes around Specter Litt have begun. What did you think?
Read more about the updated opening credits here:
— Suits (@Suits_USA) July 20, 2018
Pecking Order synopsis:
Harvey and Donna get their first taste of how Samantha operates. Alex tries to impress Zane.
Stills from next week’s episode, titled “Pecking Order”: