Fighting The Sky Trailer, Poster And Stills

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  7. Fighting The Sky Trailer, Poster And Stills
Fighting The Sky poster (High Octane Pictures)
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High Octane Pictures has released a new TRAILER, POSTER and STILLS for their upcoming FIGHTING THE SKY!


Angela Cole, Roger Conners, Jinette Faraj, Juidth A. Faraj, Alison Headrick, Matthew Ward, Nicole Ann Hicks, Logan Roberts, Larry Cahill, Brianna Burke, Joe Gotschall, Bailey Weaver, Theresa Wylie, Ed Conrad, Sean Keta,


Strange other-worldly sounds are echoing around the world. A group of researchers, led by expert ufologist Lorraine Gardner, begin an expedition to track down the point of origin from which the sounds emerge. Yet as their journey deepens, they begin to discover more than they bargained for.



Fighting The Sky still (High Octane Pictures)
Fighting The Sky still (High Octane Pictures)
Fighting The Sky still (High Octane Pictures)
still (High Octane Pictures)
Fighting The Sky still (High Octane Pictures)
still (High Octane Pictures)
Fighting The Sky still (High Octane Pictures)
still (High Octane Pictures)
Fighting The Sky still (High Octane Pictures)
still (High Octane Pictures)
Fighting The Sky still (High Octane Pictures)
still (High Octane Pictures)
Fighting The Sky poster (High Octane Pictures)
poster (High Octane Pictures)

Fighting The Sky releases in North America in February!

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