Rockstar has released new Moonshiners content for Red Dead Online!
Moonshiners is the latest Frontier Pursuit in Red Dead Online. You can setup and run your own moonshine business in RDR Online. This looks like a lot of fun. Here is the synopsis and trailer:
Peddle white lightning as a black-market bootlegger in Moonshiners, the latest Frontier Pursuit available now in Red Dead Online. Team up with an infamous distiller to start your own Moonshining business and run it out of the new Shack property. Moonshining takes your Trader skills to the next level and gives you your first business established outside of camp. Not only will you need to source ingredients and produce the goods, savvy Moonshiners will learn the demands of the market and time their shipments to align with the tastes of buyers. With that in mind, Moonshining requires you to have cut your teeth as a Trader, having attained either at least Rank 5 or completed one Trader Sell Mission. Once that’s been achieved, Cripps will get you connected with Maggie Fike at Emerald Ranch, an old hand in the bootlegging business that will help you get your fledgling operation rolling.
- New Properties: Moonshining Shacks are available for purchase – these are needed as the base of your moon shining operation. They can even be expanded with other features, such as a dance floor or bar.
- New Moonshining Story Missions: These missions can be undertaken to help you earn various business benefits as well as learn new moonshine recipes. The better the moonshine blend, the more profitable your business will be.
- Unique Moonshining Progression Path: Unlock new apparel, accessories, equipment upgrades, weapons and more

Outlaw Pass 2:
Rockstar also released a new trailer for the Outlaw Pass 2.
The Outlaw Pass returns with an expanded 100 ranks of fresh rewards featuring all-new clothing and accessories, Role XP boosts during the Club Membership period and Gold gifts up to 40 Gold Bars. You’ll also receive a variety of Offers and Rewards, a new feature in Red Dead Online. In addition, the free Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Club Membership entitles you to select perks as you accumulate XP up until March 10th, 2020. All Red Dead Online players are automatically enrolled in the Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Club just by playing.

Additional Updates:
Here are some of the other improvements made to Red Dead Online:
- The ability to quick-swap weapons in the heat of battle – simply assign a “Quick Select” firearm within the Weapon Wheel, then tap L1/LB/Tab during gameplay to quickly switch between this and your currently-equipped weapon (you can still holster your weapon with a double tap of L1/LB/Tab or by selecting Unarmed in the Weapon Wheel)
- Ability Card rebalancing on certain cards, and limits on Tonic use to ensure a level playing field for all players
- Accessibility improvements for fishing, allowing players to reel in a catch by holding a button rather than circling the analogue stick
- Increased stability for Horses, making your steed slightly less likely to fall down after a collision and quicker to get back up after a fall or revival
- New clothing including Bandoliers and Corsets (with more items due to arrive in the coming weeks), a powerful new sidearm in the Navy Revolver.
- Added the ability to spawn directly at your Camp.
Source: Rockstar Games
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