Publisher and developer Tripwire Interactive invites players to brighten the night with the Killing Floor 2: Neon Nightmares update, out now for PlayStation®4, PlayStation®4 Pro, Xbox One, Xbox One X, and PC via Steam. Explore the brand-new map Biolapse – and journey deep into the intricate layers of this laboratory, clearing out the Zeds running rampant through its haunted halls. To face these new threats, players can also look forward to the introduction of two new weapons: the HRG Incendiary Rifle for the Firebug and Compound Bow for the Sharpshooter.
Today’s launch of the Killing Floor 2: Neon Nightmares update, follows a longtime tradition of providing new maps, weapons, and notable free content updates since Killing Floor 2 first launched!
- New Map: Biolapse
- Compatible with Survival and Weekly Game Modes
- Explore multiple levels in this abandoned Horzine laboratory and take advantage of layouts and traps to give the Zeds a run for their own dosh
- New Weapon: HRG Incendiary Rifle
- Set hordes of Zeds aflame with this modified M16 M203 Assault Rifle equipped with incendiary rounds and grenades. Grenade blasts also leave behind a temporary patch of flame that burns Zeds
- New Weapon: Compound Bow (Paid Content)
- This versatile bow features two arrow types. Sharp arrows have a high penetration and damage rate and can be picked up off the ground to re-use. Cryo arrows create a small explosion with a high rate of freeze. Both arrow types can be charged to boost both range and damage. For close encounters, the melee bash is also decked with a long blade, dealing substantial damage
To celebrate the launch of the new update Tripwire will be kicking off a sales promotion later today on Steam! Head here for more details!