Titan Conquest – Futuristic Mythology-themed text RPG

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  7. Titan Conquest – Futuristic Mythology-themed text RPG
Image source - Pexels.com

From the creator of Destiny RPG , Galaxy Warfare and HaloSphere, comes a light-weight, mobile, text-based, futuristic Mythology-themed RPG. Create your Hero, explore, battle enemies, find loot, get gear and more!

Titan Conquest is a light-weight, mobile, futuristic Mythology-themed text RPG. Create your Hero, explore, battle enemies, find loot, get gear and more! This is a persistent browser based game that involves a lot of strategic clicking/tapping with MMORPG elements.

Create your Hero, explore, battle enemies, find loot, get gear and more!

You start the game by creating your hero, choosing a class and race. Each class has its own attributes, but they are balanced in the overall. Gear up to defend yourself and patrol locations to battle enemies along with multiple players at the same time to gain XP, Drachma and Loot.


The year is 2378. The gods of Olympus have returned to our universe and have challenged Earth. In order for Earth to continue to exist, the finest Heroes from every corner must face a legion of Titans across the galaxy and, ultimately, face the gods to prove their might. Create your hero now, and help Earth conquest over the Titans!


Getting Started

The way this game works is that multiple players are in the game battling enemies at the same time. Patrolling and killing enemies will get you XP, Drachma and Loot. Enemies spawn in different locations at different times. As you get stronger and have more Drachma, you can buy Lightships to get to new locations.

If you are a fan of text-based games, this is just perfect, very addicted and fun. Also, the community is awesome, very friendly. I trully encourage everyone to try it out!

[su_box title=”Details”]

  • Status: On Going
  • Business Model: Free to Play
  • Developer: Magic and Wires
  • Publisher: Magic and Wires
  • Category: Browser
  • Genre(s): MMO; RPG; Text-based
  • Platforms: PC, Mobile


Game is playable at TitanConquest.com and also on Android and iOS.

Want to learn more about the game? Check this unofficial presskit, created by myself to help the promotion of Titan Conquest.

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