Netflix has released a TRAILER/STILLS and SYNOPSIS for their upcoming THE LAST DAYS OF AMERICAN CRIME!
Edgar Ramírez, Michael C. Pitt, Anna Brewster, Patrick Bergin, Sharlto Copley
As a final response to terrorism and crime, the U.S. government plans to broadcast a signal making it impossible for anyone to knowingly commit unlawful acts. Graham Bricke (Edgar Ramírez), a career criminal who was never able to hit the big score, teams up with famous gangster progeny Kevin Cash (Michael C. Pitt), and black market hacker Shelby Dupree (Anna Brewster), to commit the heist of the century and the last crime in American history before the signal goes off. Based on the Radical Publishing Graphic Novel created by Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini, The Last Days of American Crime is directed by Olivier Megaton, written by Karl Gajdusek, produced by Jesse Berger, p.g.a., Jason Michael Berman, p.g.a., and Barry Levine, with Patrick Bergin and Sharlto Copley also co-starring.