EnGenius Launches Smart Tri-Band Router

EnGenius Technologies Inc., a multinational wireless networking company, known for delivering future-proof wi-fi solutions for consumers and businesses, today announced ESR580 – the company’s latest consumer tri-band smart mesh router. The new member of the EnGenius family delivers fantastic price-performance mesh networking value to both entry-level IoT consumers and seasoned technology enthusiasts who demand all […]
EnGenius Now Shipping Affordable Consumer Wi-Fi Mesh Solution

EnGenius Technologies Inc., a multinational networking company known for offering a vast range of quality networking solutions for both consumers and businesses, is pleased to announce the long-awaited Wi-Fi mesh network system called MESHdot Kit. The bundle includes an elegant wireless mesh router called ESR530, and MESHdot (EMD11), one of the smallest AC1300 mesh nodes […]
EnGenius Home Smart Wi-Fi Networking Solution Powered By Qualcomm New ESR530 Smart Mesh Router

EnGenius Technologies Inc., a multinational networking manufacturer known for its vast range of sophisticated wireless products expands with a new consumer Wi-Fi networking solution with the long-awaited smart router called ESR530. The wireless smart router provides stable Wi-Fi connections in high-demand home Wi-Fi network environments. The ESR530 utilizes Qualcomm’s most recent consumer technology and is […]