E3 2019: Star Wars Jedi – Fallen Order GAMEPLAY TRAILER!

Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment recently revealed a lengthy gameplay video showcasing the upcoming STAR WARS game! As mentioned in a previous post, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a upcoming Single Player story focused game set within the Star Wars universe about a young jedi on the run. The main character is played by […]
Why I am looking forward to playing Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – (Star Wars Day 2019)

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is an upcoming Single Player Star Wars game by Respawn Entertainment and EA. Read on to see why I am excited about this game! First of all, Happy Star Wars day! Last year on Star Wars day I posted about some of the classic Star Wars video games I had […]
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order — Official Reveal Trailer!!

Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment released a new teaser trailer for the upcoming single player Star Wars game!! It is great to finally see a new single player Star Wars game. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will let us play as a young Jedi on the run. The main character is played by actor Cameron […]
COSPLAY SUNDAY – Star Wars Edition!

COSPLAY SUNDAY is back this week with some great Star Wars themed cosplays! Star Wars day just passed (May 4th). To celebrate this NothingButGeek had a whole variety of Star Wars themed posts. If you missed them, check out our Star Wars day page HERE. This week we have a few GREAT Star Wars cosplays […]
Remembering Classic Star Wars Video Games on STAR WARS DAY!

To help celebrate Star Wars day, here are some of our favourite Star Wars games! The Star Wars universe is huge and has a lot of potential for amazing games of all genres. For example, the past Star Wars video games have included 1st / 3rd person Shooters, racing games, space battles and even real-time […]