Warhorse One Trailerized

Johnny Strong (Black Hawk Down, The Fast and the Furious), newcomer and stand-out child actor Athena Durner and Raj Kala (Black Adam, Mayday) star in the military action film WARHORSE ONE, which will open in select North American theaters June 30 from Well Go USA. The film will serve as Strong’s directorial debut and will […]
Lockdown Release Information

Lionsgate has announced the release of LOCKDOWN, starring Michael Pare and Bali Ling. Paré plays an FBI agent tasked with taking down three savage criminals who have taken an entire police station hostage. Cast: Michael Pare, Bai Ling, Michael Wainwright, Scott Engrotti, Raj Kala, Chanel Ryan, Gregory Blair, Bishop Stevens, Vincent Rivera, Colton Wheeler Synopsis: […]