Red Dead Online: Moonshiners Content Released!!

Rockstar has released new Moonshiners content for Red Dead Online! Moonshiners is the latest Frontier Pursuit in Red Dead Online. You can setup and run your own moonshine business in RDR Online. This looks like a lot of fun. Here is the synopsis and trailer: Peddle white lightning as a black-market bootlegger in Moonshiners, the […]
Red Dead Redemption 2: NEW Story Mode Content, Photo Mode & More!

Rockstar Games have released some new content for Red Dead Redemption 2’s Story Mode! When Red Dead Redemption 2 was released on PC, Rockstar added some single player story mode additions which were not available on the console versions of the game. These additions included more bounty hunter missions as well as an awesome photo […]
Red Dead Online: NEW Sadie Adler Missions, Clothing, Horses and more!!

Rockstar Games have added more content to Red Dead Online (including exclusive early access content for PS4 players)! Red Dead Online is the multiplayer mode for the hugely sucessful Red Dead Redemption 2. The newest addition is more Free Roam missions in RDR Online. These let you take missions from known characters such as the […]
Red Dead Online: NEW Missions, Poker and Much More Revealed!

Rockstar Games have announced some exciting new updates for Red Dead Online, the multiplayer portion of the hugely successful Red Dead Redemption 2! Red Dead Redemption 2 was an amazing game. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. The multiplayer mode is Red Dead Online. This has seen some regular updates by Rockstar over the past few […]
Why It’s Time To Get Serious About Ergonomic Furniture for Gamers

When videogames first became popular in the 1980s, the typical teen-aged player sat on the floor near the TV to play after school, often because the cords for controllers didn’t stretch far enough to reach the couch. These days, serious gamers are many times adults who game on a computer or a console, all while […]
GIVEAWAY: Nothing But Geek’s Gift To YOU
Thank you for being loyal readers. With the Christmas holiday right around the corner, what better thing to do, then give away stuff!? Download the Nothing But Geek Holiday Gift Guide, you might find something you like! While you’re at it, take note of any movie you might like and send me that information to […]
Red Dead Online Beta Now Available!

The Red Dead Online Beta is now available to ALL players who own Red Dead Redemption 2! Over the last few days, Rockstar Games have been slowly rolling out the online mode for the fantastic Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Online is currently available to all players who own a copy of Red Dead […]
Black Friday/Cyber Monday Gift Ideas

The holidays are right around the corner and you might want to know what some of the new hot things are available for gifts, well, Nothing But Geek has you covered! There’s all sorts of specials going on TODAY for Black Friday, some running through Monday for Cyber Monday. JUST A HINT: You might want […]
Red Dead Redemption 2 has an Official Companion App!

Rockstar Games have released a new companion app for Red Dead Redemption 2! Red Dead Redemption 2 is finally here and is available NOW. To celebrate the release of this huge game, Rockstar have also released a companion app for Apple and Android devices. Here is what Rockstar have said about this new app: The […]
Red Dead Redemption 2: NEW Launch Trailer!!

Rockstar Games released a brand new launch trailer for the upcoming Red Dead Redemption 2! Red Dead Redemption 2 is easily one of the most anticipated games this year. It releases worldwide, next week. Here is the synopsis and brand new launch trailer: “Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of outlaw life that […]