Take To The Skies And Choose A Side In The New Trailer For THE FALCONEER

Wired Productions and visionary independent developer Tomas Sala today revealed the rival forces of open-world air combat game The Falconeer in the new The Free & The Fallen gameplay trailer. Combining intense dogfighting and acrobatic aerial combat with an awe-inspiring open world and bestiary of fantastic enemies on land, sea, and in the air, The […]
The Falconeer Available Day One On Xbox Series X

International publisher, Wired Productions and accomplished independent developer Tomas Sala, are pleased to announce their open-world air combat RPG, The Falconeer will release day one on Xbox Series X. Combining classic dog-fighting mechanics, with a breath taking open-world environment and a cornucopia of fantastical enemies, The Falconeer will support a minimum of 4K resolution at […]
New Gameplay Trailers From Wired Productions

Today, award-winning UK publisher, Wired Productions, has released new trailers for two of their upcoming indie games, Deliver Us The Moon from KeokeN Interactive and The Falconeer from Tomas Sala. Fans of Sci-Fi space thrillers and acrobatic aerial combat action, will have an opportunity to see more about each game in preparation for their upcoming […]