Gotham Season 4 Mid-Season Promo – Extended Trailer: “See Your Own Darkness”

Gotham has been on an extended break since last December. The series will return to finish off season 4 beginning March 1st. Fox network has released an extended trailer recapping what has happen during the first half of the season as well as what is to come for the second half of the season. A […]
Black Lightning 1.04 Preview: “Black Jesus” – The CW

The CW Network has released a preview for episode 4 on its DC new series, Black Lightning. Three episodes in , the series already separate itself apart from The CW other super hero series. I like to think of it as The Chi or Snowfall with super heroes in it. The series afford viewers with […]
Gotham 4.12 Preview: “Pieces Of A Broken Mirror” – Fox Network

Fox network has released a preview for the upcoming episode 12 of season 4 Gotham. The episode title “Pieces of a Broken Mirror” will see the return of fans favorite character Jerome/Not Joker played by a very convincing Cameron Monaghan(Shameless). The series has gone for a winter hiatus since episode 11 aired December 7th 2017. […]
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay Trailer- Warner Bros. Home Entertainment

Warner Bros Home Entertainment has a released a trailer for its upcoming animated DC film series, Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay. The all-star voice cast includes Christian Slater(Mr. Robot) as Deadshot, Billy Brown(How to Get Away with Murder) as Bronze Tiger, C. Thomas Howard(The Amazing Spider-Man) as Hunter Zolomon/Zoom, Tara Strong(Batman: The Killing Joke) as […]
Black Lightning 1.02 Preview: ” LaWanda: The Book of Hope” – The CW

The CW Network has released a preview for episode 2 on its DC new series, Black Lightning. The series make its premiere last night. Black Lightning immediately set itself apart from The CW other DC super heroes series. It is politically, culturally and socially relevant to the real world and hence the series feels darker […]
The Flash 4.11 Preview: “The Elongated Knight Rises” – The CW

The CW has released a preview for the next episode of The Flash. Episode 11 titled The Elongated Knight Rises will have the Elongated Man steps in to deal with meta human of the week as SPOILER ALERT! last night episode Barry Allen was sentence to life for the murder of professor Clifford DeVoe. Barry was […]
Krypton Official Trailer – Syfy

Syfy has released an official trailer for its upcoming DC series, Krypton. Set in two generation before Superman, Krypton tells the story of the Man of Steels grandfather, Seyg-El, whose House of El faced ostracism and shame. Amidst the chaos within the planet Krypton, Seyg-El, the patriarch is fighting to restore the name and honor […]